Friday, 5 October 2012

OCR: Preliminary Task

OCR Preliminary Task


Study of the follwing continuity editing techniques:
  • 180 Degree Rule
  • Match On Action
  • Shot Reverse Shot

 180 Degree Rule- In any films or shows it's important to assist the audience regarding orientation. On the diagram on the left, you can see an imaginary line which runs through the two characters; this is called an axis. It creates two seperate arch. Once you have placed a  camera on one side of the scene, it's crucial that the camera stays on that side of the axis to avoid confusing the audience. However, if you want the camera to cross the axis, you must show this. This is called crossing the line or jumping the line. This is often used to show conversation between two figures.
 The video link below gives a brief explanation about the 180 Degree Rule:


Match On Action- This technique is a combination of two or more shots which shows similar actions. When put together it creates continuity which is important in terms of making the audience undesrtand what is going on. Great example of this can be found in chasing scences in actions films.
Shot Reverse Shot- Shot Reverse Shot is a common technique used in films. It shows a character looking at another. They're both facing opposite directions and so to the audience it would seem as if they're facing one another. One shot would be from character A's stance and there will be a cut and the next shot will be taken from character B's side showing character A.

We have been assigned to create our own video which demonstrates the use of the following editing skills. The image below is the story plan for our video.

The link underneath will re-direct you to our video:

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